
Monday, 31 August 2015

Tens and Ones

Hooking in

First try: Team 4 is doing Trade and Enterprise Project. Me and my team is making some thing yum so come to me. So come over to me and I’ll give you a piece of cake after when you pay for it.

With a: Team 5 is doing Trade and Enterprise Project. My team is making some thing yum so come to me. So come over to me and I’ll give you a piece of cake after when you pay for it?

With a: Team 5 is doing Trade and Enterprise Project. Me and my team is making some thing yum so come to us. So come over to me and I’ll give you a piece of cake after when you pay for it!

With a: Team 5 are doing trade and enterprise. trade and enterprise means you have to make them before you sell it.So come to me and I’ll give one to you.

WALT: team 5 was learning about trade and enterprise.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Adding Tens and Ones


Mum for sale

My mum is are good mum because she lets me to go on my tablet after when I do everything for her.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Adding and Subtracting Tens

 WALT: We are learning to count backwards in tens.

Kele's Car

WALT I love reading and wilting. It keeps your brain smart and it is fun to read.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Grass to Glass part 2

As soon as the warm milk comes out of the cow and the milk goes into the tank and then When the warm milk goes into the tank, the milk is cooled.

The farmer puts the hose into the tank and the, Milk and cream are separated.

As soon as there finish the cows go back to the farm to have their food,  Bacteria is killed by pasteurising the milk.

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Adding Tens

WALT: we are learning to add in 20 from one to 20.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Grass to Glass Part 1.

to make them very fat and healthy.

that goes into their stomach and it comes back up and they chew the grass for 1 minute and it goes back in their comes up and they barb out the grass and goes into their two stomachs and it makes milk.

and go and have breakfast after when they feed the cows each day.

all the old days they do thousands of work and they milk the cows like milking the cows at the milking shed.

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Monday, 10 August 2015


WALT: I learnt all about winning the lotto and stuff.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Compound Words

WALT:  read compound words (two words joined together to make one word.

I aways do reading because it is good for you to help to get good.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015


Walt: We are learning how to count forwards in tens.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Living in a farm

I am going to do milking the cows because it is a little bit easy but its hard..

My second thing is riding on a horse because you get to do jumps and stuff.

My third thing to do is riding on a motorbike because you get to do some jumps and all stuff.

My fourth thing is feeding the calves because they are so cute and easy to feed.